Rose Quartz: Love, Beauty and Fertility Crystal

According to Perrakis (2019) the Romans believed rose quartz to attract romantic love, and prevent premature aging. The Greeks and Romans viewed rose quartz as the energy of the divine gods and of romantic love Cupid and Eros, manifested in physical form on earth as a gift to humanity.

In ancient Egypt, it is believe rose quartz formed part of the beauty regime of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra; the soft pink stone was placed in facial and bath elixirs.

Rose quartz’s association with undying love and reconciliation originates from the Greek tale of Aphrodite and Adonis. As Adonis lay dying in Aphrodite’s arms, his blood touched the white quartz on the ground, staining it pink and creating rose quartz, a symbol of love eternal, pure and as deep as the sea.

Rose quartz is associated with the element of water and carries a very gentle soothing energy. Rose Quartz can be placed on the heart and help soothe the more visceral edges of feelings of grief. Rose quartz reminds us to remember all the love in our lives, especially when we are going through a metaphorical period of “standing in the frost”; when we are burned out and exhausted and we start to disconnect from ourselves, with everything getting a little bit cold and gloomy.

For people who are overworked for whatever reason, if you start to “feel the cold” in life and things are getting a bit gloomy, spending time with people who care about you and who love you is very important.

Not just external love in this case; self love is also very important to maintain a balance between your work and your wellbeing. A small piece of rose quartz in your pocket or by your bed stand can remind you to make choices that don’t leave you depleted, drained, in a low mood etc.

Pregnant women might find it soothing to place a piece of rose quartz on their stomach. Because of its calming and nurturing qualities, rose quartz can be found by some children to have a calming and grounding effect.

Rose quartz is a gentle yet powerful crystal, carrying a frequency of forgiveness, unconditional love and gentle nurturing.

Linda Costello 28/07/24


Perrakis, A., 2019. Crystal Lore, Legends & Myths: The Fascinating History of the World's Most Powerful Gems and Stones. Fair Winds Press. Vancouver


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