To enquire about bookings, please use the contact form on the right.

Please note that the following pricing applies:

  • Divine Essence Crystal Healing session 1 hour : €300 per session

  • Divine Essence Crystal Healing session 30 minutes: €150 per session

  • Crystal Gridding for home/office: €500 per gridding session

  • Crystal Skull Activation: €500 per activation

  • Metaphysical Soul Reading: €300 per 1.5 hour session

  • Psychic Development Classes: €100 per hour for individual/one-on-one sessions

I was trained in accordance with the teachings of Jacinta Murray and the Divine Essence Crystal Healing Academy. To honour the teaching and the intention with which I was taught, I do not offer complementary sessions.

Any request for “free” sessions, sessions in exchange for “exposure”, or any offer that does not honour the value of this healing modality will be declined/ignored.