Scarlet Womb Priestess Training

The Scarlet Womb Priestess lineage is an ancient lineage of holy women of the divine feminine mysteries; the mysteries of Sophia. This lineage is an embodiment of the feminine Christ, keepers of the womb mysteries and the erotic feminine. Explore different strands of feminine embodiment wisdom, including sacred scent (perfumery), sacred beauty (cosmetics), sacred color, sacred connection to the land (plant medicine), and sacred sexuality/erotica.

There was once a time where holy reverence and respect reigned for the “Holy Whores”; the red priestesses of erotic divine feminine womb wisdom. These priestesses embodied the life force energies of creativity and desire, were healers, and bringers of transformation.

With the rise of the Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the divine feminine mysteries became deeply repressed and persecuted, and the “witch wound” memories of the trauma of this persecution are burned into the collective feminine psyche.

May each of those who carry the mysteries of the divine feminine in their womb step into their own sovereignty, and climb out from under the crippling weight of the culmination of thousands of years of harsh, cruel, and unfair expectations underpinned by lies about women, what we are, and what is good and bad behaviour.

If this offering speaks to you and you would like to know more, please see the contact section above and send me a message.